

Much is being written on social cohesion in various publications from books to scientific papers to project reports. The Social Cohesion Hub Library collects many of these. Browse the library or make use of the filters on the left to narrow your search.

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199 resources
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Publication_2011_Christopher Blattman / Alexandra C. Hartman / Robert A. Blair
Christopher Blattman / Alexandra C. Hartman / Robert A. Blair
Technical/Evaluation report (2011)

Can we teach peace and conflict resolution? Results from a randomized evaluation of the Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in Liberia: A program to build peace, human rights, and civic participation

Publication_2012_Christopher Blattman / Alexandra C. Hartman / Robert A. Blair
Christopher Blattman / Alexandra C. Hartman / Robert A. Blair
Working paper (2012)

Building institutions at the micro-level: Results from a field experiment in property dispute and conflict resolution

Publication_2017_Kate Lonergan
Kate Lonergan
Technical/Evaluation report (2017)

Does reconciliation prevent future atrocities? Evaluating practice in Sri Lanka

Cover-page_2020_Salma Mousa
Salma Mousa
Journal article (2020)

Building tolerance: Intergroup contact and soccer in post-ISIS Iraq

Publication_2018_Oyebola Okunogbe
Oyebola Okunogbe
Working paper (2018)

Does exposure to other ethnic regions promote national integration? Evidence from Nigeria

Cover-page_2009_Elizabeth Levy Paluck
Elizabeth Levy Paluck
Journal article (2009)

Reducing intergroup prejudice and conflict using the media: A field experiment in Rwanda

Cover-page_2009_Elizabeth Levy Paluck / Donald P. Green
Elizabeth Levy Paluck / Donald P. Green
Journal article (2009)

Deference, dissent, and dispute resolution: An experimental intervention using mass media to change norms and behavior in Rwanda

Cover-page_2011_Bernard Rimé /  Patrick Kanyangara / Vincent Yzerbyt / Dario Paez
Bernard Rimé / Patrick Kanyangara / Vincent Yzerbyt / Dario Paez
Journal article (2011)

The impact of Gacaca tribunals in Rwanda: Psychosocial effects of participation in a truth and reconciliation process after a genocide

Policy paper (2011)

Perspectives on global development 2012: Social cohesion in a shifting world

Publication_2020_United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Policy paper (2020)

Strengthening social cohesion: Conceptual framing and programming implications