Social Cohesion in Africa: Where do we stand? Where are we heading to?
Joseph Asunka, Chief Executive Officer of Afrobarometer provided a picture of social cohesion in Africa based on data from the latest Afrobarometer survey, which have not been publicly released yet. Afrobarometer is a non-partisan, pan-African research institution conducting public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, the economy and society since 1999 in 30+ countries. It is without any doubt the world’s leading source of high-quality data on what Africans are thinking.
- Present trends on crucial variables related to social cohesion over the different rounds of Afrobarometer
- Portray differences and similarities across African countries with regard to these variables
- Discuss potential factors driving the data and the effect of shock such as the Covid-19 pandemic
- Discuss why policy makers should care about the findings of Afrobarometer and social cohesion measures more broadly
- Armin von Schiller, Researcher, Research Programme: Transformation of Political (Dis-)order, German Development Institute (DIE)
- Nikolas Myint, Global Lead, Social Cohesion & Resilience, The World Bank
Overall, the third session of the seminar series aimed at highlighting the key sources of information about social cohesion and, more broadly, increase the evidence which could help identifying what drives social cohesion and, in turn, what development interventions should primarily focus on to enhance social cohesion.
Watch a recording of the session below, and download the session's chat protocol and presentation.