
Strengthening Social Cohesion in Conflict-Affected Societies: Potential, Patterns and Pitfalls

Fletcher D. Cox, Charlotte Fiedler, Karina Mross (2023)

Key facts

Type of publication
Policy paper
Elements of social cohesion
Identity/feeling of belonging
Geographical focus
Main thematic areas
Conflict & peacebuilding


Bilateral and multilateral donors are increasingly focusing on strengthening social cohesion in efforts to build and sustain peace in conflict-affected societies. What does promoting social cohesion mean with respect to inter­national engagement? This policy brief provides an overview of the “social cohesion” approach, explains how it applies to conflict-affected and fragile contexts, and intro­duces a typology of common interventions. It discusses the added value of taking a social cohesion approach to development and peacebuilding practice, as well as challenges policymakers and practitioners may encounter when using it

Publication_2023_Fletcher D. Cox, Charlotte Fiedler, Karina Mross

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