Sport for Development Resource Toolkit

Key facts

Geographical focus
South Asia
Europe and Central Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East and North Africa
East Asia and Pacific
North America
Implementation period
2019 - 2022
Implementing agency
Commissioned by
Main thematic areas
Conflict & peacebuilding
Social protection
Flight & migration
Main partner in the country
German Sports University Cologne


Sport has been used by those working in development cooperation for quite some time, and this has become more prominent since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were introduced. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) uses Sport for Development (S4D) as an approach to contribute to development goals like gender equality, good health, quality education, and social cohesion. The S4D Resource Toolkit is a gateway to S4D. It provides access to resources that have been developed and used by GIZ and partners in different countries all over the world. 

Concept of social cohesion

Sport has been used by those working in development cooperation for quite some time, and this has become more prominent since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were introduced. Sometimes, however, explicit strategic approaches for linking sport and development goals are missing. Therefore, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have developed the S4D Resource Toolkit.



The S4D Resource Toolkit is a gateway to S4D. It provides access to resources that have been developed and used by GIZ and partners in different countries all over the world. The objective is to make available guidelines, manuals, seminars, tools and advice on how to implement S4D projects, workshops and training sessions.  It also includes the S4D Learning Lab which offers synchronous web-seminars and online workshops for policy makers and multipliers and supports them to develop S4D projects that link sport to development topics like social cohesion.



The toolkit features

  • the Essentials of S4D: This section presents to you how sport can contribute to the SDGs; how people, organisations and societies can develop in their capabilities in S4D; which competences children and youth as well as multipliers can gain and develop, e. g. in sport for social cohesion; why monitoring and evaluation is a core task in S4D projects.
  • a Topic Collection: Sport is a cross-cutting tool. This section invites you to find out how topics like gender equality,  health, violence prevention or social cohesion are linked to sport and how S4D can be used in the refugee context. Every topical chapter gives you an introduction and tells you more about topic-specific competences.    
  • a Country Collection: GIZ implements S4D projects and programmes in countries all over the world, always in close cooperation with different local partner organisations. In every country, significant S4D knowledge and content have been developed, in different languages, with different sport and topical foci. The toolkit shares with you how countries use the S4D approach. 
  • Tools for Your Practice:  You will find useful and helpful guidelines, tools and templates to make S4D part of your own work. Through the teaching and learning materials sorted by countries and tools divided in different sections you get insights and inspiration - for example on how to develop your own workshops on sport for social cohesion.
  • The Learning Lab: The Learning Lab is a rich offering of web seminars and online workshops on various development topics such as social cohesion, in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. All materials as well as participation in the Learning Lab offers are free of charge. If you want to learn more about recent activities of GIZ and their partners you can register for the S4D Newsletter.


Achievement and Impacts

Since the beginning of the S4D Programmes in 2013 GIZ has trained 8220 multipliers on the basis of methods and materials published on the toolkit website so that 1.238.000 children and youth have benefitted from sport activities. In 2021 GIZ reached out to 7.350 persons coming from 52 countries via the Learning Lab web-seminars and online workshops.

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Contact Information

Anja Frings

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