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Resilient citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Building resilience against radicalisation, civic apathy and intergroup tension
Key facts
Type of publication
Technical/Evaluation report
Elements of social cohesion
Other (the quality of coexistence between people and with the institutions that surround them)
Geographical focus
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main thematic areas
Conflict & peacebuilding
Economic development
Political institutions & governance
Economic development
Political institutions & governance
SCORE Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020 shows that there is a need for building resilience against ethnonationalism, political violence, and civic apathy. It has mapped the levels of resilience and identified which factors contribute to building resilience against different stressors and adversities. Across the country, citizens face common economic, social and political challenges, as well as mirroring forms of nationalist ideologies, which contribute to processes of radicalisation. The results herein can form the basis of policies and interventions, tailored to regions, demographic groups, and social groups.