Social Cohesion & Reconciliation Index

Key facts

Christopher Louise, Dr Alexandros Lordos, Alexander Guest, Dr Ilke Dagli-Hustings
Geographical focus
Europe and Central Asia
East Asia and Pacific
Sub-Saharan Africa
Main elements of social cohesion
Other (human capability, human security, harmonious intergroup relations, inclusive and effective institutions, sustainable economic development, meaningful civic participation)
Dimensions of social cohesion
Horizontal dimension (between individuals/groups)
Vertical dimension (between individuals or groups and institutions)



SeeD conceptualises Social Cohesion, together with the concepts of Reconciliation and Resilience.

For us, social cohesion is about harmonious and constructive coexistence between individuals within and across groups (horizontal cohesion), and with the institutions that surround them (vertical cohesion). While the horizontal cohesion relates to reconciliation, vertical cohesion interlaces with the concept of a healthy and sustainable social contract.


SeeD's definition of social cohesion can be illustrated best with the content framework of the SCORE Index, a robust and versatile assessment instrument calibrated to different contexts to assess social cohesion and resilience.

Figure 1:
graph_concept_The Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development

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Social Cohesion & Reconciliation Index

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